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Listen to the amazing goals my clients reached with my knowledge and their action.

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Testing Package Client:


If you're suffering in silence, I know what it's like feeling AWFUL and having a doctor tell you "everything looks normal." *sigh*

I was told that since I was 14 years old. I suffered from a lot of pain because I never knew how to ADVOCATE for myself until Kristen taught me. My autoimmune disease may look different from others' but I learned I had to stop COMPARING, I had to truly understand our bodies are created so differently and react so different.

And I had to do what was best for MY BODY.

Without a doubt, I know I would not be where I am today without Kristen Blake Wellness. This woman changed my life. Thanks for never giving up on me.

Heal from Within Client:


Kristen, you were the reason that I got tested for [celiac disease]. I never would have uncovered that. You recommended I start going gluten-free and all of my crazy rashes disappeared. I never would have known if I didn't learn how to listen to my body the way you taught me.

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Heal from Within Client:


Working with Kristen Blake has been the best money I have ever spent.

I was so sick to my stomach I could barely eat. Every day felt like torture.

I was doing so many good things for my health... yet my digestion was terrible. It actually felt like it was killing me.

Losing control of your health is frightening. Especially when you are doing everything in your power and it continues to get worse...

Kristen listened, ran tests that no one else had, and supported me closely. She gave me hope, knowledge, and a solid plan. We have more work to do, but the early progress is miraculous.

I never expected to feel like this again. Thank you!

Heal from Within Client:


We have seen specialists for over a decade and no one has said anything to us about mast cells. We spoke to you for a half hour and you put the pieces together. We couldn't feel more confident that this is the right choice for him.

Heal from Within Client:


I've been trying to find the words to express how thankful I have been for all your help over the last year. I haven't felt this good... ever. At least not that I can remember. It hasn't been easy, but yo unever gave up on me and I'm very, very grateful for that.

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KB Club Client:


Thank you so much for everything you have done for me this past year. The KB Club has been truly life-changing for me. It has given me hope when I thought hope was lost. It has given me a community of people that understand what it means to struggle with health issues. It has given me specialized answers to my body beyond what even my functional medicine doctor has offered. My gratitude is deep for the program and everything Kristen has offered. Her time, her wisdom, her prayers, her insight, and her generosity, are all more than I could ever possibly ask for.

I look forward to seeing how the KB Club grows in the future. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of it all!

Heal from Within Client:


Before working with you, I honestly didn't know where else to doctors didn't even know what to do with me....I’m so glad I found KB Wellness.

Kristen truly has a gift to help others and to help them solve their medical issues and I'm so grateful for her. And Jacqui truly listens and focuses on you. She worked so hard to help me with my dietary needs and gave me resources to help me be successful.

In Heal from Within I learned other ways to improve my health besides prescriptions. I learned how to eat even with food allergies. I learned how to take care of myself again. And I’m so proud of myself for all the hard work I’ve put in.

Heal from Within Client:


My favorite aspect of working with Kristen is Kristen listens, like really really listens.

She makes a plan that meets you where you ARE, which allows so much more room for success. I cannot express the depth to which Kristen has changed my life.

I have struggled with my health since I was 15, I’m 39 now. I’ve never gotten answers, until now. Working with Kristen we found the root of my illness, made plans that actually provided relief, ended night sweats, killed candida along with a bunch of other bacteria and more.

The changes have been life changing in a way I cannot express.

Heal from Within Client:


I had been feeling something was off with me for a long time and I couldn't find answers. After working with KB Wellness I feel like a completely new person, my energy levels are almost back to normal, my physical aches and pains are almost gone, my nutrition is better and more. I really enjoyed the insight from all the testing. It was eye opening and explained so much about my symptoms. I really connected with my practitioner Jacqui. She was very easy to talk to, she had great ideas, and I never felt judged. She made me feel completely supported. She is an amazing person!! There are so many things I do differently now and I am so proud of myself.

Testing Package Client:


I align with Kristen’s “test, don’t guess” philosophy as the body is intelligent and always giving me feedback on what it is asking for. It is a learning process to hear and listen for the body’s language and I have been tuning in over three years as I have felt some things have been off especially with my hormones. In the short time working with Kristen, she educated me about blood sugar balance and the weight has come off and quality sleep has returned. And I am thrilled to get to the root cause solutions and live a life I am on fire for!

Heal from Within Client:


When I started working with you I had been diagnosed with infertility and had thyroid issues and period problems and everything else it looked like it probably wouldn't happen for me. 

Fast forward two years in my healing journey: I'm feeling amazing (probably the best I've ever felt), my labs are amazing and surprise - I got pregnant! I've never been pregnant in my life but somehow got myself healthy enough to where my body said "yup let's have a baby at 39!"

I feel so lucky and blessed and like this is such a miracle. Thank you for all your help and education. It's really made a difference in my life. 

I wasn't even on a prenatal before pregnancy but I was on a really good supplement protocol from you and my naturopath so luckily no neural tube defects. I've had a healthy pregnancy and she's healthy too! Between good health and God's blessings, I am pregnant! 

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Test Don't Guess Client:


After many years of trying to figure out why I felt fatigued, had hormone issues, had brain fog, etc. The ONLY thing that really really sparked my journey was to work with Kristen. She was so sweet and empathic in her communication (which no other doctor ever has been). She listened carefully to what symptoms I had and made sure I always understood her advice. After going through my health records, made some tests, and having 2 sessions - she came up with lots of protocols and recommendations for me which I now follow. It was very clear seeing it all together that my body is in "fight mode" and is struggling with detox because of a previous period on the pill and now estrogen dominance.

She put all of the information together holistically which made my health issues very logical - because she explained it all on the basis that the body is complex and a system, which cannot be treated in single measures like traditional doctors do. I have learned so much about my body during only these weeks working with Kristen, and this has really made me feel empowered and that I’m not crazy at all. I’m so grateful I invested in Kristen’s help and I’m sure I will get back to her for some follow-up to see progress. 

Heal from Within Client:


My top three goals upon starting the 6-month program were Weight Loss, better food management, and figuring out what was going on with my gut. My coach was able to help me work toward these goals through consistent meetings & support through meetings, phone conversations, texts, emails, etc., easy and achievable nutrition and food charting, research for quality Dr’s & Naturopaths, and setting MY goals/achievements and by being one of the greatest supports to me on multiple levels and through multiple ways. Could not have had success without her, trust me, I tried for the past 4-5 years and got nowhere.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been my quality of life for my future is now high, the number of resources to help me and my family has expanded immensely and my weight went down by 20 lbs in the first 3 months (part from Kristen’s small food changes and from her figuring out what was wrong with my gut and getting me to the right Dr’s to help solve/manage the issue of SIBO.) I have never been overweight and was athletic throughout my life, but a few years ago, something changed and I could not keep my weight on track, nor did I feel great after many meals. My body had so much inflammation my skin was bad, my sleep was not good and I looked bloated and run down. Through her recommendations, we got my gut not only working again but my weight down, my moods better and my future bright. Sounds cheesy, I know, but it is true...there Is No Kool-Aid to drink, sometimes life throws us a curveball and we need help catching it. I feel great again and I know how to problem solve in case anything throws it off track. The most significant overall change I have noticed has been I am not a gal who diets, fasts, tries fads or gimmicks and I eat pretty healthily. I thought I was gaining weight due to age, hormones, etc. but, it just wouldn’t come off and there were multiple other health issues happening as well. Kristen showed me how even though my food was healthy, it was out of balance, and/or I was mixing a few wrong things together daily that did not work for MY system. After working with Kristen for just a few months, my weight dropped 13 lbs from fat and inflammation in the first month and a half alone. Then continued another 7 lbs the month and a half after that.

Everything she has taught me, shown me, and helped me figure out with her or professionals she found, I have maintained that weight loss since last May 2017 and it was not hard to do and has led me to a full Organic lifestyle too for not just me, but my family as well. We are all seeing a difference in how we feel, etc. and yes, it was a change to our budget, but it has been worth it. Also, helping me figure out SIBO and a few food allergies/intolerances was HUGE for my body in healing.

I would describe my coach as Smart as a whip, kind, compassionate, a wealth of knowledge, a problem solver, funny, and could save the world from some of it”s problems with her incredible work ethic and research skills if she was not so busy helping all of us and raising a family. She is positive and gives you hope and when you have something go askew in your health, she jumps in to help, even if it is not at a “Scheduled Meeting” but you just need her.

I would recommend my coach to Anyone! Especially those needing hope or feeling frustrated they have not found a solution or success. One thing I love about Kristen is she is open to both Eastern and Western Medicines and approaches. She enjoys finding those solutions. There Is No “One size fits all” kind of solution for each of our unique bodies and genetic make-ups, so she works hard to find a solution or keeps looking if she cannot until she does. She also tries many of her suggestions first to ensure authenticity, that they work or that they are worth your money and time... I have yet to meet a Dr or Naturopath willing to do that! Other comments and feedback: I will miss her terribly, as I know someday, I will have to move on and let her help someone else. She has been a joy in my life and has become someone I can depend on, I trust, that is a great support to me and also, someone I enjoy spending time with and who I see is making this world a better place and that is hard to find in this current environment. She is focusing on the good out there and the research and science that will change our lives, our bodies, our souls, and our world.

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Heal from Within Client:


“I can't say enough good things about Kristen! I am so thankful that I found her in the depths of confusion about my health. I had almost given up on the idea that I could feel better in my body. After fighting for answers with my doctors, who refused to test me and only gave me vague answers or completely declined my requests, Kristen came like a knight in shining armor.

She helped uncover a whole new world of functional medicine and found the root causes instead of slapping bandaids and covering symptoms. She looked at my tests, listened to all my concerns, and most importantly believed me and believed in me! She guided me along with her incredible dietitian Jacqui, who was also so incredibly sweet, knowledgeable, and helpful... and kick-started me into my healing journey.

I got so many of the answers I was looking for and started to feel more normal and got so much more energy than I've ever had! It almost feels like I uncovered a piece of myself that was buried deep in my pain and chronic fatigue. My healing journey is not over, but the team has equipped me with so much knowledge to continue forward.

I would highly, highly recommend working one on one with Kristen and her team! You will not regret it!"

Heal from Within Client:


When I started Heal from Within I was feeling lost and helpless dealing with a new Hashimotots diagnosis. Working with team KB Wellness I was able to lose 19 pounds, change my eating habits, and I learned so much. I've been empowered to take the reigns on nutrition, portion sizes, supplements and more. I know feel knowledgeable and educated now on how to help maneuver through this diagnosis.

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 I was diagnosed in 2012 with Stage 4 diffuse large B cell lymphoma, went through 4 months of chemo, beat it! Six years later I was diagnosed with a different kind of cancer, Burkett's lymphoma.  I beat it again but it left me feeling like I needed to make some changes. 

Hear her story... 

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This girl is like a walking encylopedia. I love her approach. it's holistic, she never tries to push a fad or something you'd see on instagram... She really breaks the science down for you in a way that normal people can understand and helps me get to the root. 

Hear her story...


Heal from Within Client:


I began my work with Kristen trying to figure out why I suffered from chronic sinusitis and bronchial issues such as asthma for years. We also worked on eating the right foods for optimal health and worked to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Kristen believed I may have been suffering from bio-toxin illness due to my symptoms and helped me to find a Dr trained in the Shoemaker Protocol to address bio-toxin illness. I am currently working with Kristen as well as the Dr and am confident I can become well again now that I have the proper diagnosis, medications, and supplements. I’ve enjoyed Kristen’s numerous handouts with suggestions for healthy eating including many delicious recipes. The biggest change I’ve noticed since working with Kristen is I am eating healthy foods and walking every single day and I now wake up feeling more energized than I have felt in years! Kristen is passionate about helping others achieve their goal of a healthy lifestyle. She is extremely knowledgeable about what foods we should be putting into our bodies and what ones we should be eliminating. I recommend her to anyone that wants to live a long and healthy life free from toxins and pain!

Heal from Within Client:


My top three goals when I came to Kristen were to get physically healthier, learn how to sustain healthy choices, and physically feel better. Kristen helped me work toward these goals by consistently, clearly, and concisely explaining and teaching me about healthy food and lifestyle choices. She is incredibly smart and explains things in clear terms I could understand. She set forth attainable yet challenging goals, which were rewarding to meet and get on a winning streak. The biggest change I have noticed since working with Kristen has been the importance of how interrelated all the elements of being healthy are. I really learned how important it is to be thoughtful about what and why we eat and what we do. It has changed my choices for the better and I physically feel so much stronger and better because of her encouragement and leadership. Kristen is very positive, intelligent, motivating, consistent, passionate, and caring. (Did I mention she’s super smart?) I recommend my coach to everyone looking to make a sustained difference in their physical and emotional health. She is an amazing coach and I highly recommend her and know you will be very satisfied, just as I am. Thank you, Kristen!

Heal from Within Client:


Kristen Blake transformed my life. I met her in April 2018 after recently ending my marriage, losing my dog, and dealing with a collection of health issues (e.g., Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol). I was not in a good place. At the time, I was an undisciplined person and struggled to get motivated. Kristen changed that. She is thorough and holistic in her approach. After the first meeting, I felt like she understood me and my challenges, and she helped empower me to make changes. She has real positive energy and is very intuitive. For six months, Kristen worked with me to improve my health, diet, and exercise and was there assisting me every step of the way. But more than that, she restored my self-esteem. Her positivity is contagious! She truly taught me how to be an optimistic person and how to focus on the good in myself and others. Life-changing stuff. I believe Kristen does this as a passion project and gets joy out of helping other people. I would recommend her to anyone looking to make a change in their life.

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Heal from Within Client:


I started working with Kristen after years of feeling sick and having “mysterious” symptoms that doctors couldn’t explain. Symptoms included unexplained weight gain, bloating, gut issues, PMDD, anxiety, moodiness, insomnia, reoccurring infections, fatigue, and brain fog (to name a few). I’ve seen several specialists including gynecologists, endocrinologists, and gastroenterologists, and had multiple invasive procedures, imaging tests, and bloodwork without any answers. I followed Kristen on Instagram and thought about working with her for a long time. After turning 37 I decided enough is enough! I was initially skeptical because nothing worked for me. I am so pleasantly surprised! In the short time that Kristen and I have worked together, I have already lost weight, my energy levels are so much better, my mood is better, and my gut is feeling good! I’ve already gotten answers to the cause of some of these “mysterious” symptoms and am on my way to finding the root cause of some of my other issues. My biggest regret is that I didn’t reach out to Kristen sooner. This has been the best investment I’ve ever made in my health. Kristen is smart, professional, curious, and fun, and really cares about the health of her clients. She is very responsive and knowledgeable. I would recommend her to anyone who is ready and serious about making a change and leading a healthier life.

Learn About Working With KB Wellness