An integrative nutrition practice focused on total body wellness and root cause solutions.
You CAN shake off the brain fog, the bloat, the aches and pains...
and have boundless energy, feel incredible, and fit back in those jeans...
without crazy diet fads or trendy lotions and potions.
All you need to do is learn what foods and lifestyle factors work best for your unique body.
Today's health and wellness space is incredibly confusing,
We're here to guide you through it all and show you the way back to true health.

I'm the founder and CEO of KB Wellness.
An integrative nutrition practice focused on total body wellness and root cause solutions.
I hold a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition and Human Performance and several health coaching certifications - and I'm dedicated to helping YOU take back your health and feel the best you ever have.
But I don't do it alone. KB Wellness takes a collaborative team approach so YOU have the exact practitioner on your team that YOU need as a unique individual.
Ready for help?
Awesome. We're ready to help.

With a focused, integrative approach, my clients have gotten incredible results.
See what they have to say here...

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I now wake up feeling more energized than I have felt in years! Kristen is passionate [...]

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I was diagnosed in 2012 with Stage 4 diffuse large B cell lymphoma, went through [...]

I work hard to distill the research down and simplify the complex for you.
Read my health and wellness blogs here.