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The KB Club Membership 

For women seeking education and empowerment to optimize the health and wellness of themselves and their families.

Enrollment is now open!

Join Now

Living your life to the fullest requires boundless energy with nothing slowing you down…

But don’t worry, it doesn’t require tons of food restrictions, hours in the gym, gobs of money on supplements, fads, or influencer trends.

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You are the kind of person that values health.
You know that health is wealth.

And you try your best but you're not where you want to be.


You’ve likely been putting yourself on the back burner for a while, taking care of your family, and working on your career….


You might be feeling discouraged at the moment because what you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked. 

You’ve dabbled around and tried a few different Drs, diets, juice cleanses, and supplements and you feel like nothing really helped you feel the way you want to feel.

Or worse, you might have started to feel better, but none of the results really stuck once you stopped.

It feels like you’re throwing darts in the dark.

You are the kind of person that values health. You know that health is wealth.

And you try your best but you're not where you want to be.


You’ve likely been putting yourself on the back burner for a while, taking care of your family, and working on your career….


You might be feeling discouraged at the moment because what you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked 

You’ve dabbled around and tried a few different Drs, diets, juice cleanses, and supplements and you feel like nothing really helped you feel the way you want to feel.

Or worse, you might have started to feel better, but none of the results really stuck once you stopped.

It feels like you’re throwing darts in the dark.

Now is your time to shine. 

It's time to take care of your body for real for the long haul.

Sign Up Now

A Healthy, Happy Life is Within Reach
with the help of The KB Club


✔️ Wake up bursting with all-day energy

✔️ Experience *reverse* aging with each passing day

✔️ Confidently know exactly what to eat and when to fuel your body optimally and nourish it

✔️ Understand the WHY behind everything that you're doing: from resetting your circadian rhythm to balancing your blood sugar and beyond

✔️ Kick your metabolism back into high gear

✔️ Finally experience food freedom - not restriction

✔️ Learn, once and for all, how to live better and have thriving health so you can stop wasting time & money on random fad products

✔️ Build meaningful connections with other women on the same journey as you 


You'll achieve all of this with ease and without overwhelm because I break it down for you in an easy-to-understand manner, and guide you every step of the way.


Your Next Step Toward Your Dream Life


Join The KB Club membership today and you'll have instant access to bi-weekly live calls with me and KB Wellness's registered Dietitian, Jacqui Zimmerman, along with endless resources, a chat space for extra support between calls, and huge discounts on my self-paced programs & 1:1 consult calls.

Through the support and accountability of myself, my KB Wellness team, and the amazing community of other women inside The KB Club, you'll never be alone on your journey to thriving health.

With each passing week, we'll keep diving deeper into educating and empowering you to be your own best healthcare provider.

These will be LASTING solutions because we'll be laying the true foundations for health and skipping right over the trends and fads that only prove to be frustratingly short-term solutions.

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If you're excited to put in the work to feel amazing - let's do this together.

Sign Up Now
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Out of all the voices out there, why should you trust me?

In the internet world of nutrition & health, every self-taught *expert* is screaming that "their way is the only way". Everyone needs to do *their* diet or take *their* supplement. Most of the time, they are taking what worked specifically for their body... and trying to apply it to every person they work with.

I'm here to cut through all of that noise. Through decades of research, education, and personal health journey, I understand deeply that we are all individuals and need to be treated as such. My practice is rooted in *bio-individuality* which means that your symptoms, genetics, heritage, history, and more should all be factored into the design of your unique path forward to your healthiest self.

That means there is no one-size-fits-all. I strive to teach my clients how to listen to their bodies, understand their backgrounds and goals, and learn ways to help their unique bodies thrive - not someone else's. 

Out of all the voices out there,
why should you trust me?

In the internet world of nutrition & health, every self-taught *expert* is screaming that "their way is the only way". Everyone needs to do *their* diet or take *their* supplement. Most of the time, they are taking what worked specifically for their body... and trying to apply it to every person they work with.

I'm here to cut through all of that noise. Through decades of research, education, and personal health journey, I understand deeply that we are all individuals and need to be treated as such. My practice is rooted in *bio-individuality* which means that your symptoms, genetics, heritage, history, and more should all be factored into the design of your unique path forward to your healthiest self.

That means there is no one-size-fits-all. I strive to teach my clients how to listen to their bodies, understand their backgrounds and goals, and learn ways to help their unique bodies thrive - not someone else's. 

I've built my practice on the science of nutrition and human performance.

I am a health coach certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and hold an additional certification in the AutoImmune Protocol and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition & Human Performance. 

I have a proven track record of success in helping hundreds of women achieve optimal health.  

Before all of this, I was in your shoes. I get it. I empathize. I don't judge. I used to be exhausted and overwhelmed and tried all the fads and the diets and *all the things* and got nowhere. 

I practice the “good, better, best” methodology so we take gradual, sustainable steps toward your goals instead of aiming for perfection right out of the gate.

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Learn MORE About Me Here!

Ready for the details of how we'll get there?

Here we go...

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Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls

Valued at $200/month

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Quarterly Guest Speakers

Valued at $50/session

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Seasonal Meal Plans

Valued at $50/recipe pack

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"Ask Kristen" Exclusive Q&A Access

Valued at $250/month

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Community Hub & Support

Absolutely Priceless

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50% Discount on Self-Paced Programs

Savings from $23 - $147

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Discounted 1:1 Sessions

Savings of $100/session

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Monthly Product Features

with Exclusive Discount Codes

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KBW Resource Library

Always Growing!


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The KB Code Course

12-week self-paced course 
Valued at $99

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2 Monthly Support Calls for The KB Code

Valued at $200/month

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The KB Code Comment Support


Hear from Current Members of The KB Club

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It really means so much to me how much you pour your heart and soul into all of us.

I feel so bad for all the people that don’t have a Kristen Blake as part of their healing team.

I've never had anyone spend so much time with me on my health.

And you make it so fun! Health is really becoming a passion of mine, and I can credit so much of that to you!

I don’t even know how I can repay you. 


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I honestly have been feeling so much better. 

I was crazy puffy before and now can tell the inflammation has gone down. My hands don’t hurt as much.

I’m just paying so much more attention and realizing how many symptoms I have been experiencing without realizing they were an issue.

It’s addictive to feel better. 

I feel more like myself in these last few weeks than I have in years! It feels like I just got started too. It’s exciting! 


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The KB Club Membership

Your life-changing health adventure starts today. Chose your path below.

Only $45 per month

The KB Club Membership

(3-Month Minimum Commitment)

  • Bi-weekly Live Coaching Calls
  • Quarterly Guest Speakers
  • My signature course The KB Code 
  • The KB Club Exclusive Resources Library
  • Seasonal Meal Plans & Recipes
  • Exclusive "Ask Kristen" Q&A Chat Space
  • 50% Discount on Self-Paced Programs
  • $100 off One Time Consults
  • Community Chat Spaces
  • Product Recommendation Spotlights
  • Free KB Wellness Guides & Resources
  • Discount Codes for Kristen's Favorite Products

Let's break this down for a minute...


$45/month is $1.50 per day.

that's less than the price of a short black coffee from Starbucks!

How about you skip the daily coffee out, make your coffee at home for pennies on the dollar and join this membership to change your life?

Take a sneak peak inside The KB Club community!

Inside The KB Club, you'll never feel alone...
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We are constantly releasing new menu plans, recipes, and meal ideas for constant inspiration!
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You'll be able to "trust the process" by seeing others that have succeeded before you...
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You'll be lifted up in hope by others' stories...
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We even pray for each other's grandbabies 🥰
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Inside The KB Club you have all the answers you need and you are never alone.

Sign Up Now

Are you ready to get real, lasting solutions to roll back time and feel the best you have in years? 

Here's the deal. There’s no quick fix or magic wand when it comes to health (or anything in life let's be honest!). There are band-aids to cover up the real problem….and then there are truly health-restoring practices of laying the foundations for health, finding root cause solutions, and learning exactly what your individual body needs for all-day energy and longer healthier happier lives. 

Even if you look and feel ok now, there's still so much you can do to go deeper with your health. Our world is incredibly toxic, our lives are so fast-paced, and although humans are living longer than ever, their quality of life is worse than ever. 

I want to change that. I want to help everyone improve their health quality add more life to their years (not just more years to their life!). 

I know it can feel incredibly overwhelming trying to decide where to start when it comes to up-leveling your health, and I'm here to help guide you every step of the way inside this membership. 

Stop wasting your time and money trying out random things here and there that won’t offer lasting results because they’re just band-aids. 

Join my membership community of other women on the very same health journey as you. 

Women who understand health is wealth and who understand there’s no better investment of their time and energy than investing in health. 

Women who are excited and eager to learn about how to best care for their one and only God-given body.  

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Inside The KB Club you'll find everything you need to become your own best health expert 

Only $45 per month!

The KB Club Membership

(3-Month Minimum Commitment)

  • Bi-weekly Live Coaching Calls
  • Quarterly Guest Speakers
  • My signature course The KB Code
  • The KB Club Exclusive Resources Library
  • Seasonal Meal Plans & Recipes
  • Exclusive "Ask Kristen" Q&A Chat Space
  • 50% Discount on Self-Paced Programs
  • $100 off One Time Consults
  • Community Chat Spaces
  • Product Recommendation Spotlights
  • Free KB Wellness Guides & Resources
  • Discount Codes for Kristen's Favorite Products

Our membership portal is organized and built to serve you.

Our team has been hard at work creating a space where you'll feel supported and free from tech-frazzled frustration.

Everything you need to learn, connect, ask questions, download resources and join live calls is in one place.

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Still not sure if this is right for you?

I get it. The "imagine if" results I outlined on the beginning of this page probably seem like a pie-in-the-sky dream and you're just not sure if joining this membership can do all that for YOU.

And it can feel scary to invest in yourself. 

Even with the promise of a plan and the support from someone who’s done it before, you're probably feeling overwhelmed by the idea of it all and wondering if you even have the time to put into this whole "healthier you" thing. 

But here's the thing...

(it's truth time) 

Truth #1: No one else will do it for you

Your Drs visits are 10 mins long once a year. That's not enough time for counseling on optimal health and wellness practices. That one page handout they gave you that says "eat more fiber" isn't exactly going to revolutionize your health span and lifespan anytime soon. 

The FDA allows gross things like "For every ¼ cup of cornmeal, one or more whole insects, two or more rodent hairs and 50 or more insect fragments, or one or more fragments of rodent dung." So let's not trust them to be in charge of your optimal health and wellness either k? 

Truth #2: It's not as hard as it looks once you have a plan, the support, and resources to go along with it

I've worked on amassing my education and credentials for over a decade, (so yeah, there's definitely a lot of info in my brain), but that doesn't mean that you need to go through what I did to get healthy.

You get to just show up and walk through the plan I've laid out for you of incredibly distilled information, so that you're only having to pay attention to the most important info and only making the most important health changes. I've done the hard work, so you don't have to.

Truth #3: The longer you wait the harder it'll be

Think of your health like a bank. For decades you've been drawing down on the account. When you were young it was fine - the account was plenty full! But years ago you probably started noticing a change...

You couldn't pull all nighters anymore, drink like a fish, or heck even sleep wrong without waking up feeling like you broke your neck. Your bank account is now empty, but that doesn't mean it can't be refilled. But the longer you wait to start making strategic health deposits again, the more your account is getting drawn down dangerously low, and the harder it is to crawl back to optimal health.

Still have some lingering questions?

Check out these FAQs've made it all the way to the very end of this page. 

So what's it going to be? 

Are you ready to be the healthiest you have ever been? To become the health guru of your dreams? To feel amazing with all-day energy? 

You have a few options, friend.

JOIN TODAY (smart choice 😉)
Email Kristen with more questions