Balanced blood sugar - made easy.

Learn how to regulate your blood sugar by creating balanced meals and snacks. This guide includes recipes to save and incorporate into your diet!

Balanced blood sugar - made easy.

Learn how to regulate your blood sugar by creating balanced meals and snacks. This guide includes recipes to save and incorporate into your diet!

Hi, I'm Kristen!


I’ve got a Black Belt in Integrative Nutrition 

After years of countless doctors visits, migraines, rashes, high fevers, and even passing out, I felt hopeless. Lonely. Scared. Worried that I would stay that way forever. 

I finally had enough when my babies started to develop the same symptoms. 

I started digging in and doing my own research. That’s when I stumbled upon the world of functional medicine. I soon discovered that there was SO much out of balance in my body. Once I found out the root causes for everything I had been experiencing, I got to work fixing them. 

I can help YOU do the same.

Work with Me