Are you hoping for these Keto benefits?
Quick and easy weight loss without the hunger and starvation of most diets out there.
Improved mental clarity and focus from the ketone bodies.
No more mid day slump. All day energy from the stable blood sugar Keto provides.
Healing your gut through a healthy high-fat diet that is low in refined sugars and carbohydrates that contribute to gut inflammation, leaky gut, and microbial imbalance.

A quick and easy course designed to walk you through how to follow a clean Keto diet (the right way), step by step.

"We were extremely satisfied with how well planned and organized Kristen's Keto plan was. We have tried Keto on our own several times, but with mixed results.
With Kristen's education at the beginning, the daily recipes, shopping list, and the online community, we can honestly say this was the most successful Keto program we have ever completed!"
- Aubrey and Brad Jackson

You will receive immediate access to:
1. Over one hour of video lesson content
2. Handouts that include:
My KB Wellness Guide to Keto
A Keto diet checklist
An eating out guide
Keto recipes, goodies, suggested meals, shopping lists, and recommended supplements

Let's be real here, no one's ever said "wow I wish I DIDN'T invest in my health and learn more about utilizing tools to optimize my health and wellness" ...right?
So what are you waiting for?
Jumpstart your clean Keto diet and grab this course TODAY.

Mama to three boys, wife to a former pro athlete, and integrative nutritionist and health coach ready to help YOU reach allllll your health and wellness goals.
I used to be sick, like really sick, back in the day, before I knew what I do now. I was tired, anxious, inflamed, bloated, and more. In short, I wasn't ME. I wasn't the mom, wife, friend, or anything else. I wanted to be and KNEW I could be if I could just get my health back on track.
Ever since I got well I've made it my mission to help as many others as possible do the exact same thing. That's why I went back to school and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, got certified in the Autoimmune Protocol, and am currently finishing my Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition and Human Performance. So I can help YOU be the woman you know you can be too.
I dedicate my work to helping women all over the world lay the foundations for lasting health using root cause solutions (no band aids here) so they can live the life they deserve and THRIVE every single day. No more feeling tired. No more feeling anxious. No more bloat. No more symptoms. Just true, lasting health.