The KB Wellness Blog

Delve into our KBW Blog, offering expert insights from your trusted Integrative Nutritionist Kristen on gut health, mold toxins, and more. Discover transformative tips, in-depth articles, and a wealth of resources for achieving holistic well-being.

KBW | Juicing vs Blending - Which one is better? A Nutritionist's Perspective

Proponents of smoothies say they’re superior because smoothies contain fiber and whole fruits or vegetables. Proponents of juicing claim that juicing nourishes your cells deeper and are more hydrating. So which one is better?

(Ps. Make sure you read all the way to the end because I have a freebie for you that I think you’re going to love).  

First of all, I just have to say that whether it’s juices or smoothies, they’re both better than fast food, so if you’re doing EITHER of these, you’re doing great. Keep up the good work!  

Okay, now let’s break down the science behind it: 

Juicing Pros and Cons 

Juicing Pros

Unfortunately, many people do NOT have optimal digestion. There are many potential contributing factors to poor digestion, such as low stomach acid, which is needed to fully break down your food to allow for optimal absorption and digestion. Another factor could be a low migrating motor complex which...

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KBW | How to build a homemade protein shake to lose weight...but not muscle. 

 Grabbing a protein shake as you run out the door is one of the quickest and easiest ways to start your day off right. But they can go REAL wrong REAL quick. First of all, pretty much every shake or smoothie I see sold commercially is complete junk. They’re full of chemicals, preservatives, artificial sweeteners or high sugar, waaaay too much fruit, and no veggies. But shakes can also be an amazing delivery system for nutrients when done right. 

Move On To A Homemade Protein Shake

To lose fat and maintain muscle, you need the proper macro breakdown. Too many carbs paired with fat will stop weight loss in its tracks, but too much protein and your body won’t be able to absorb it all anyway, and you’ll be wasting it. So let's break down how to build the perfect fat-burning, muscle-building, homemade protein shake the RIGHT way.  

First: Start with a CLEAN base

glass of almond milk

  • What’s clean? Check the ingredients for fillers like carrageenan and...
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KBW | Keto, Ketone Bodies, Weight Loss, And You

 Should you do keto?

 As a nutritionist, I have to say this is one of the top questions I am asked, and it was one of the top Google search terms for 2019. Do you know what that means? 

There are lots of shady people out there that are going to try to capitalize on your hopes and dreams that keto will solve every problem in life, from excess weight to toenail fungus. 

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I preach bio-individuality. What that means is that I think what’s right for one person is not necessarily what’s right for another. 

So while I’m not going to tell you whether you should or shouldn’t do keto – because I don’t know you, and you could be different from someone else – I am going to give you some REALLY IMPORTANT education on what the keto diet is, some potential pros and cons, and how to do it properly, so those shady people can’t take advantage of you just...

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KBW | How to Lose Weight with Fasted Cardio

Fasted cardio is kind of a hot topic of debate in the wellness world. Does it help you lose weight and burn fat? Is it just burning carbs? How do you do it right? Does it have to be a specific type of cardio workout, or is any one type of workout more effective than the others?

Here’s my take on the technique and how you can put it to work for you, no personal trainer is needed.

man taking a nice walk

 Does Fasted Cardio Burn Fat? 

The Direct Effects

To understand the direct effects of fasted cardio, we’ve got to get a handle on the two types of fuel our bodies use. There are only two options here, and your body will use one or the other. We have glucose, which is broken down from sugar and carbs and can be stored in the form of glycogen in the liver, muscle, and fat cells, and we have ketone bodies, which are made in the liver from fat. 

When we are sleeping, we aren't taking in any fuel; this allows our body to enter a fasted state (consequently, this is why we...

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 CBD oil solutions are all the rage right now, but is it due all the attention, or is it another overblown fad (like our overhyped friend kale)? I had long thought CBD had medicinal value, but I hadn’t taken the super-deep dive into the research necessary to truly come to a decision…until now. 

Can Cannabis Treat, Cure, or Prevent Anything?

First, let’s address the elephant in the room. It sounds like cannabis can do everything from cure cancer to wash your car, and if you’re like my mom, who emailed me on this very topic just the other day, you’re thinking to yourself, “No one product can do ALL that, it just sounds too good to be true, so it probably is just that – too good to be true.” But friends, it truly is that versatile, and the reason why cannabis is so multi-talented lies squarely in science. 

While genetics can tweak how one’s cannabinoid receptors work (more on this later), everyone is full of not...

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Have you ever seen the Portlandia episode where Portland restaurant diners care SO much about the quality of the meat they’re about to order that they ask the waiter not only if it was grass-fed and free range but was it pet often talked to and, most importantly…was it happy?? 

They end up leaving the restaurant to drive to the farm where it was raised to investigate for themselves. A bit much? Maybe. But short of driving around to farms and interviewing farmers, what is a consumer supposed to do when presented with labels like cage-free, pastured and free-range? What’s the difference? Which one is better? And why is it so confusing?  

It’s confusing because food companies are catching on to the fact that consumers want to be healthy. To turn a profit, these companies work hard to capitalize on that “healthy” desire, some in sincere efforts and some in...

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"Bulletproof" coffee, aka butter coffee, aka Keto Coffee, hit the scene when Dave Asprey, founder of the Bulletproof empire, first posted it to his blog in 2009, and it’s gained a cult-like following ever since.

Why? Because it really truly does work. By work, I mean it: increases your energy, sustains higher energy levels with no crash, produces ketones for your body to use as fuel, and satiates hunger.

Supposedly, it all began when a freezing cold and exhausted Dave was offered tea chock full of yak butter by monks he encountered hiking in Tibet. It gave him the best energy boost one could imagine, so when he returned home, he began experimenting with adding grass-fed butter to his own coffee. Butter coffee has since evolved into somewhat of an art form over the years, and I’d like to tell you all the little secrets and intricacies so you can rock your own today!  

Step 1:  

packages of Purity Coffee

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